Unlike when someone dies in hospital or someone dies in a care home, you'll likely not have anyone around you who can provide professional advice. That's why it's important to know what you'll need to do before that happens.
If someone dies at home unexpectedly, immediate steps and professional advice are crucial to handle the situation properly. In this guide, we provide you with the necessary steps to handle a death at home, whether expected or unexpected.
During the daytime: If the death was expected and occurred in the daytime, you will need to contact the deceased's GP or ring the NHS helpline on 111 as soon as possible.
During the night: If the death occurred at night you will need to call 111 and notify the GP the next morning. If the cause of death is known, the medical professional will issue a Medical Certificate, allowing you to register the death.
If the death was unexpected, you will need to call 999 and the operator will issue instructions on what to do next. It is important to leave the area untouched apart from in an attempt to resuscitate. Upon arrival, the medical professionals will be able to confirm the death and will likely contact a coroner to perform a post-mortem examination on the deceased. An unexpected death cannot be registered until the coroner's work has been completed. They will give instructions upon completion.
Next, you can start arranging the funeral. You may choose a funeral provider to assist you, or you can handle the arrangements independently, whichever you feel is most comfortable for you. If you prefer a traditional funeral service, keep in mind that traditional services usually cost more than simpler options. It's important to discuss the costs and services in detail to understand all expenses involved before you commit to anything.
Funeral providers can help with various aspects, such as:
Whether funeral care was pre-arranged or instructed at the time of death, your funeral provider will carefully explain the next steps to you and help you to understand what to expect thereafter.
We are open 24/7 and will make all the arrangements from taking the deceased into our care to completing all the paperwork. Our customer service specialists will liaise with you to make arrangements for the cremation and keep you updated.
Call us to arrange on 01543 212 000
Arrange a funeralWhile in the care of the funeral provider, the deceased will be respectfully cared for throughout their stay. At Distinct Cremations, this means they’ll be bathed, including a hair wash and brush, and dressed ahead of the funeral. We will also conduct any additional services, if needed, such as the removal of pacemakers or artificial mechanisms which is included in the cost.
We'll also make provisions to rest the deceased in their coffin to be transported to the funeral venue and we will let you know the date of the cremation.
Once the funeral has taken place, at Distinct Cremations we will hand-deliver the ashes back to you within 14 days or scatter the ashes at a garden of remembrance.
If you have chosen a different provider, they will notify you of the arrangements regarding the return of ashes. If you choose a burial, it is recommended that a headstone be erected no sooner than 6 months so the ground around the burial site can reset properly. The Registered Grave Owner will notify you of the details.
Arranging a funeral with Distinct is straightforward and our customer service specialists are available 24/7 for any of your questions.
When you are ready, you can call us any time of the day, 365 days a year, and we will collect your loved one from the place of death, bringing them into our care.
Call On 01543 212 000Whilst your loved one is cared for in our high quality mortuary facilities, our customer service specialists will contact you to book the cremation and complete all the paperwork.
We will tell you the cremation date, if you wish to know. Your loved one's ashes can then be scattered in our garden of remembrance or personally hand returned to you.
In the event of an unexpected death at home, immediately dial 999 and request both an ambulance and the police. The operator will stay on the phone and guide you on whether resuscitation is possible. On arrival, paramedics will either attempt resuscitation or confirm the death. As the police will have to be involved, it’s important to try to leave the area untouched, except for resuscitation efforts.
For unexpected deaths, the police will arrange for the body to be moved by a funeral provider on behalf of the coroner. If a doctor confirms an expected death, you can contact a funeral provider of your choice when you feel ready. Most funeral providers are available at any time to transport the deceased into the appropriate care.
If the cause of death requires investigation, they will contact the coroner. The coroner may call for a post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death and issue the necessary documents for death registration.