The funeral plans guide outlines what is included with a Distinct Cremations Funeral Plan, why they may be right for you and how much they cost.
Take your time reading through the information. If you decide one of our plans is right for you, you can set up a funeral plan online, call us or complete the application form enclosed with your guide.
If you have any questions about our plans, or any of the services we offer, our Customer Service Specialists would be happy to help.
Follow the links below for more information about what to expect from our funerals, the ways that your money is kept safe with us and how you can get in touch with our experienced and caring customer service specialists.
Our direct cremation funerals are simple and affordable but are carried out with the utmost respect. Here's what you can expect from a funeral with Distinct Cremations.
We take our responsibility to look after your funeral plan very seriously. Find out more about your rights and how your money is kept secure now and in the future.
Have something you'd like to ask us about the information in your guide? Contact our compassionate team. We're very happy to answer any questions you may have.