In recent years, many of us have become more conscious of our environmental impact. As part of the Westerleigh Group, we’re passionate about preserving our planet. That's why we've committed to a number of funeral initiatives to help protect the world for future generations.
The energy-saving technology at our crematoriums includes:
Our crematorium grounds positively contribute to local flora and fauna with:
To protect the planet further in future it is our ambition to have:
As part of the Westerleigh Group, we have 41 crematoriums across the UK and carry out over 70,000 cremations each year. Our commitment to sustainability and ecological diversity gives those who want a cremation funeral a greener option.
When we build new crematoriums we:
Our older crematoriums are also being redesigned and refurbished to improve energy efficiency and prevent pollution. We aim to be mindful about the environment in everything we do from choosing sustainable suppliers to recycling the metal from medical implants.
To see full details of our funeral services, get an instant quote online for a funeral that suits your wishes.
For every one of our funerals, we donate to the World Land Trust Buy an Acre appeal. Each donation protects an area of endangered natural habitat the size of an average UK back garden.
In February 2025, we donated £39,950 to help protect woodland in Kenya, shrubland in South Africa and savannas in Argentina. All of these areas are home to endangered animals and birds.
Get in touch for more information about our funeral services.
Call us on 01543 211997We’re here for you whether you are looking for our direct cremation services today or planning for tomorrow.
Find our services below or alternatively you can view our price list or our CMA standardised price list.
Whether your loved one has died or is close to passing, our team is available 24/7 to support and talk you through the next steps; from collection and care of your loved one, completion of all paperwork, to the day of the funeral itself.
Relax knowing that the arrangements are agreed and paid for. There are no medical questions and acceptance is guaranteed. You can also pay in monthly instalments.
** Price advertised is for a 50 year old paying over a 10 year period. Total cost is £2,374.80 and includes administration fees.
78% of Westerleigh Group’s crematoriums have mercury abatement technology installed which reduces air pollution. 27% of crematoriums have both mercury abatement technology and nitrogen oxide (NOx) filtration. These crematoriums are:
Installing nitrogen oxide (NOx) filtration and mercury abatement is a programme Westerleigh Group intends to continue and accelerate over the coming years. By 2032, all crematoriums in our network will have the same environmental credentials as those listed here. Keep checking back as we add more crematoriums to the list.
There is a legal requirement to independently measure emissions emitted by a crematorium annually. These must be submitted to the local authority as evidence of permit compliance. Data from the Westerleigh Group demonstrates their crematoria are operating well below the set legal limits for emissions to air.
Westerleigh Group is committed to being net zero by 2032 and this is being achieved by operating modern abated cremation equipment in addition to a programme of retrofitting older equipment. In 2024, Westerleigh Group was abating 83% of all cremations* carried out across 41 operational sites which is an improvement from the 70% recorded in 2022 and far exceeds the government targets of 50%.
*Figures submitted to Crematoria Abatement of Mercury Emissions Organisation (CAMEO)
The Westerleigh Group are the parent company of Distinct Cremations. Together, we are one of the UK’s largest cremation providers. The Westerleigh Group have owned and managed a network of crematoria within the UK for over 30 years. We now operate 41 crematoriums.
Westerleigh Group has a strong emphasis on the environmental aspect of its work and has been measuring emissions and investing in the latest energy efficiency for some time. By 2032, Westerleigh Group has a target of reaching net zero carbon emissions by continuing to invest in the latest energy-efficient equipment and developing a significant programme of woodland tree planting.
Westerleigh Group’s crematoriums also have extensive and beautiful grounds and offer a unique opportunity to respond to the current biodiversity crisis and offset residual carbon.
Different funeral types have different environmental considerations.
Due to the use of the cremator which heats to very high temperatures, cremation tends to have higher energy consumption and emissions. Efficient cremation initiatives can mitigate some of these environmental impacts. At our crematoriums, we invest in both energy-saving and abatement technologies.
Traditionally, burials include embalming and the preservation chemicals used in this process can contribute to land contamination. However, eco-friendly alternatives, such as woodland burials are available.
Ultimately, the eco-friendliness of the funeral depends on your choice of provider and their environmental practices.
Not only are our funerals carried out with love and care, but we also offer one of the UK’s best value services.
From your very first phone call and through every stage of the cremation process, you can rest assured that you will be in the most caring and attentive hands with Distinct Cremations.
Our caring team are here 24/7 to support you through the most difficult of times
Rhiannon Pearson
Team Leader
We offer the highest level of support, but don't just take our word for it. Below are recent reviews from customers who bought a funeral with us.
To guarantee the highest quality of care, we deliver all of our services ourselves including transportation, mortuary care and cremation at one of our peaceful and natural crematoriums.
Our compassionate and knowledgeable team is here to help you arrange a funeral for a loved one who has died.
Or if you're planning ahead, our funeral plans give you peace of mind knowing that funeral costs are covered, your wishes are clear and your family won't have to pay any more in future.
To find out more about the services we offer, get in touch.
Call us on 01543 211997